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The Ladder- webinar

Advance works because it's super-simple. The truths are timeless and deep, yet you can sketch them on the back of a napkin. 

Best of all, the ladder developed at Advance helps you plan your next best steps.

Here’s the reality: if you do not plan your life, it will still happen. Like the road on a video game, the terrain comes at you whether you’re paying attention or not! And rather than heading in the direction that you intend, you might end up moving in some other direction. As well, you’ll likely find yourself in some random destination, then sit scratching your head and wondering how you ever got there. 

(I’ve done this plenty of times while driving and in life). 

How many times have you looked at yourself in the mirror and thought, “How in the world did I end up here?”

The answer is simply this: that’s where the road you were on goes. Whether you're paying attention to the scenery or not, you're still moving… down the road.

In life, just as in driving, it’s often difficult to determine just where it was that you lost course and started getting lost (or where you quit paying attention). Most often, it just occurs that you’re somewhere different than where you thought you would be at that point.

In John Maxwell’s book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership he writes about what he calls “The Law of Process” (chapter 3). He writes, “What matters most is what you do day by day over the long haul... What can you see when you look at a person’s daily agenda? Priorities, passion, abilities, relationships, attitude, personal disciplines, vision, and influence. See what a person is doing every day, day after day, and you’ll know who that person is and what he or she is becoming.”

In other words, you should not bail out every time you see a bump. There are uphill climbs on every path. Rather, you should look at the overall destination of the path- over the long haul.  In other words, trust the compass.

The Ladder is that compass... 

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