Been to the Advance, want a refresher, or just want to know what we teach...?

These episodes from podcast are one of the best ways to review the info.

The overview

In this recording you'll learn a bit about what we do and how… 

And introduce you to the concept of The Ladder, tell you the stories of how this thing (“accidentally”) came to be, and share with you how to go deeper and higher at the same time…

Ah… about The Ladder. Lots of talk about climbing ladders and making sure you go up the right one. This one’s short, though. On purpose. Because we REALLY believe this…

*Your dreams are HUGE (inspired by God Himself and placed inside of you, waiting to burst forth).

*Your dreams are within reach…

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Where do you want to go?

The first step in living any dream is to decide what that dream is. Sounds obvious, right?  I mean, how are you going to go ANYWHERE if you don’t first have a destination?

Solomon wrote, “Where there is no vision the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18). They lose heart. They grow faint and weary. They find themselves hopeless. They find themselves in despair. 

In this episode of the podcast I talk about success- and how it’s simply a recipe. That brings two items of great news- 

Great news #1- it’s a proven process. You can look at what others do and you can follow along, getting similar results.

Great news #2- there’s no shortage. Often, we look at success as if it’s a lottery ticket. If someone else wins, that means you didn’t. It means you CAN’T, in fact… that it’s IMPOSSIBLE.

Success isn’t like that, though.

There's enough to go around. We can all win. We can all help each other. We’re not in competition.

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Once we know where we're going, we can make a prioritize the plan to get there...

Dreams require time. Concentrated, high-octane time. Some of your “best” time. And your energy. And your focus. 

At the Advance, we actually use juggling as an example to illustrate this. It never fails. Whenever we call someone onstage and let them start juggling, whenever they juggle beyond their capacity, they don’t just lose the last ball that was added… they drop them all. 

You can make the correlation. Less is better. Less is actually “more.”

“More” just… well… it causes the entire thing to fall apart. It creates anxiety, it causes your skill level to actually diminish, and it’s a lot more difficult to live at that level of movement than a SLOWER pace at which you can actually achieve MORE.

You see, if we juggle too much, we end up not doing anything well. That means, well, we get frustrated in multiple areas of life. 

Once we understand the reality of tradeoffs, though, and realize that we actually MUST choose which balls to juggle… and that we GET to choose (meaning that we actually pick some up and set the others DOWN)… well, things start humming. 

Even better, we learn that we can achieve for more with even less effort than we thought due to the nature of FOCUSED efforts done consistently well…

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We don't start with why, nor do we end there... but it's important!

Everyone seems to ask it these days- it's a "buzz word" that few of us really unpack. In this session we unpack the "why," putting it in the context of everything you do...

PEOPLE that know WHAT they want to do get further than people who don't have a clue!

And people that understand HOW to do that thing... well... they go higher, still...

Yet those who go the farthest, the fastest... and endure... they have a grasp of what's driving them. They're in touch with their WHY. 

In this lesson, you'll uncover the thing that drives you! You might even know what it is. Or, perhaps it's eluded you... 

Either way, you won’t just know what your dream is (or what your dreams are- remember, you probably have dreams & goals for multiple areas of your life), you’ll actually feel those dreams.

Think about it...

The heart. Most of us don't get in touch with our feelings that often, do we?


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I would have thought talent, position, money, experience… that those would get you higher, farther, faster…

But, look at EVERY significant turning point in your life- the good ones AND the bad ones. Most of them probably have MORE to do with a RELATIONSHIP than any other factor…

Someone believed in you…

Or someone steered you in the wrong direction…

Someone called forth the greatness in you- or shared with you an amazing idea that TOTALLY transformed your outlook on an opportunity… 

Or someone else wounded you in some way…

You see? No blaming here. Just observing… 

Relationships have POWER. Tremendous power. 

Whereas we tend to plan life around “what” we’ll do… or even “how” we’ll get it done…

… the biggest defining factor is… yes…



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The "core" of the Advance is the Ladder.. 

We get enamored with external things- the things “out there.” The truth, though, is that the INSIDE changes before the OUTSIDE ever does. In fact, the greatness of what’s going on inside of you determines the altitudes you’ll reach in the world around you. 

In this episode of the podcast, we take take the fifth (and final) rung of the ladder…

Remember, with each rung we go higher AND closer to realizing our dreams…

Once you understand the power of the mind… and how it literally creates destiny, some of the most popular Bible verses make EVEN MORE sense. Things like…

  • “Take your thoughts captive” (2 Corinthians 10:5).
  • “Be transformed… by renewing your mind” (Romans 12:1-2).
  • “Be anxious for nothing…” (Philippians 4:6f).
  • “Think on things that are pure, lovely, of good report…” (Philippians 4:8).

When we really believe that we can do these things… that we CAN take thoughts captive, that we CAN transform ourselves by proactively recreating what’s in our minds… that we CAN choose peace over anxiety and stress… that we CAN select the object our our thoughts… we begin to see just how powerful we are.

And when you do that, you realize that the biggest part of the dream isn’t just achieving the goal, but it’s the process of transformation that occurs in you as you do…

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